"Of critical conservation importance for global biodiversity" is how Conservation International described the Paraguayan Atlantic Forest, so you will be shocked to hear that just 7% of that critically important forest remains. At 70,000ha Parque Nacional San Rafael is the largest block of Atlantic Forest remaining in eastern Paraguay but is also sadly its most threatened. With conservation of this natural treasure firmly in mind ECOSARA has been established as a non-profit ecological station to provide a scientific basis for conservationist claims that the continued existence of the park is vital for the ecology not just of the immediate surroundings, but for the world at large.

ECOSARA is a not-for-profit programme developed by the San Rafael conservation group
Pro Cordillera San Rafael (ProCosara) who are responsible for the day to day protection of the reserve and is supported by the biodiversity website FAUNA Paraguay we invite you to help us to achieve our aims:

1 To
INVESTIGATE in a methodical and scientific manner the flora and fauna of this biologically rich but under-studied park.
2 To
STUDY the biology of the species inhabiting the park.
3 To
SHARE our findings with as wide an audience as possible by publishing them in scientific journals, on the internet and in popular form for mass consumption.
4 To
EDUCATE people as to the importance of the reserve so that they may understand that its conservation is in everybodys best interests.
5 To
PUBLICISE the fate of the park to a global audience to increase pressure for it to be properly conserved .
6 To
CONSERVE the park so that it may be enjoyed by future generations.
7 To
ALLY ourselves with similarly-minded conservation organisations in other countries.
Use the menus on the left of each page to navigate around the site. Below is a SITE MAP of what you will find in each section:

OUR AIMS - Find out why ECOSARA was established and what our aims and objectives are.
SAN RAFAEL - More information about San Rafael National Park, its wildlife and its importance to local communities.
STAFF - Meet the people you will be working with during your time with ECOSARA.
VOLUNTEER - Research volunteers are the life and soul of ECOSARA, find out what volunteer opportunities are available and how you can become a volunteer yourself.
RESEARCH - If you are a professional scientist or student find out how we can help you carry out your research at San Rafael National Park.
INTERNS - Looking for some work experience in a real-life conservation situation? Intern opportunities give you the chance to do your bit to save the park.
PUBLICATIONS - Find out a bit more about where we publish our work, how you too can become an ECOSARA author and our plans for the future.
- More details about our sponsors Pro Cosara, the conservation organisation responsible for the protection of San Rafael.
FAUNA PARAGUAY - Want to know more about Paraguayan fauna? ECOSARA is sponsored by the website FAUNA Find out how we join forces to bring San Rafael to the world´s attention.
IRACAMBI - Our Brazilian friends! Learn about how things work at Iracambi and how our international alliance benefits the Atlantic Forest in two countries!
Designed by Paul Smith 2007. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay, Pro Cosara and
Photographs are used with the knowledge of the photographers
and may not be used for any other purpose without prior written permission from FAUNA Paraguay, Pro Cosara and